District Harvests began with the desire to give flowers a life beyond a few days in a vase. My original inspiration was to create “reusable” bouquets, grown, harvested and crafted by me in Washington, DC. An arrangement that you could enjoy in a vase for a few days and then use - in a tea, added to your favorite recipe or even tossed into your bath.
Coming up with and implementing such a plan mid-winter posed some major growing challenges. I began to explore ways to make this business viable year round, while still relying heavily on local and homegrown flora. In my exploration I began to create dried botanical art, which became my exclusive focus.
There are similar elements to my creations, flowers, stone, eggs, moss, shells, branches, but no two are the same. All offerings are seasonal and limited.
Most dried botanicals are a grown by me in my urban home flower “farm”. Many I have foraged, and some I have purchased and dried for their particular aesthetic. Stones, fossils, shells etc. come from a life time of collecting. Crystals are outsourced.
Amanda Starr Bean
I was born and raised in Washington, DC and I am proud to still call this city home. As the daughter of a prominent environmentalist, the natural world was an integral part of my upbringing.
I spent nearly two decades studying and performing opera. As I gradually accepted that path was not my destiny, I began to teach yoga. For ten years, I taught classes and led yoga teacher trainings in the District.
District Harvests is both full circle and a natural culmination of my paths - nature, art and wellness. I strive to bring you local, sustainably grown product and craft. Most of my materials are homegrown in my small urban flower farm.
Thank you to my family - both by blood and choice - for a life time of supporting my wild dreams and windy road.
This is dedicated to Vini Schoene. In hindsight I see that all my paths lead back to you. I will forever remember every birdsong you taught me, and each edible plant you ate as you made your way through this beautiful life.